The Ultimate Guide to Cook Pureed Food. - The Cooking Bar (2024)

Purees are a delicious and convenient way to pack in a ton of nutrients in a small amount of food. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your next meal, unable to eat solid foods, or making homemade baby food, purees are the way to go. Some of the most beloved foods are purees! Mashed potatoes, ice cream, souffle; these are all pureed foods.

In this guide we will explain what purees are, how to make a basic puree from food, the benefits of pureed food, and share some of the best puree recipes. Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

A puree is food, typically fruits or vegetables, that has been cooked and reduced to the consistency of a creamy liquid or paste. Pureed food should have a smooth texture that does not require chewing. It should also be able to hold its shape on a spoon and slide off the spoon when tilted. The addition of a fruit or vegetable puree is a fantastic way to elevate a dish with a burst of complementary flavors.

The Ultimate Guide to Cook Pureed Food. - The Cooking Bar (1)

You can successfully puree just about anything, so long as it isn’t too hard and doesn’t have seeds. When making purees from vegetables, you definitely want to cook them first. Raw vegetables are too tough to puree and therefore would not produce the desired outcome. All you need are a few simple ingredients, a tool to puree with, and the knowledge of how to puree food!

Purees might sound complicated, but they are surprisingly easy to make! All you need is the food that you want to puree, a little bit of liquid, and a food processor or blender, and voila! You can get fancy and add spices, herbs, and a combination of various foods, but the basic components of a puree are always the same.

The liquid you add to your puree depends entirely on you. You can add water, broth, butter, cream, honey, tomato sauce, or maple syrup. Any liquid will suffice! Just make sure to pick one that complements the food you’re making a puree from.

If the puree is too thick, simply continue to add small amounts of liquid until you achieve the consistency you’re looking for. If the puree is too thin, you can thicken it up by either adding more food or a thickening agent like cornstarch or flour.

How to Puree Food Without a Blender

A food processor or blender would be your best bet, but there are other ways to puree food if you don’t have either of those appliances. You can use any kitchen tool with the ability to mash food. This includes tools like stand mixers, mortar and pestles, graters, and grinders. Keep in mind that any of these secondary options would be much more time-consuming and labor-intensive than a food processor or blender.

If you choose to store your homemade food puree in the fridge, you should keep it in an airtight container and eat it within 3 days. To keep your food puree for longer, you can freeze it for up to a month. The best way to preserve a puree in the freezer is with an ice cube tray. You want to first pour the puree into the tray, then once it’s set pop out the cubes and transfer them into an airtight bag or container in the freezer.

Fruit purees make a delicious addition to baked goods, drinks, and sorbets. You can also eat it by itself for a tasty treat! It’s important to note that many fruit purees don’t require any additional liquid, because the fruit itself contains such a high water content. Here are a few of my favorite easy fruit purees to get you started:

How to Make Strawberry Puree

  • Wash your strawberries
  • Add to a food processor until you reach desired consistency

That’s it, seriously! You can add a squeeze of lemon juice to keep the puree from browning or a touch of honey to make it sweeter, but all you really need is strawberries for a simple strawberry puree.

How to Make Mango Puree (from Canned Mango)

  • Drain your canned mango
  • Add to a food processor until you reach desired consistency

Bet you thought it’d be more complex than that, huh? Fruit purees are incredibly simple, but people who have never made them are often intimidated by them! It makes for a great way to impress your friends and family with minimal effort and a powerful punch of flavor.

Aside from lemon juice to avoid browning and sweetener if you want your puree extra sweet, there really isn’t anything extra to add to a fruit puree. You can have fun with it and mix different types of fruit if you’d like. Strawberry and mango, for example, would pair great together for a puree.

Vegetable purees are a popular way to elevate a dish and are also added to smoothies, pasta sauces, and sandwiches. You can also use vegetable purees as binders in dishes like meatloaf and casserole. Unlike with fruit purees, vegetable purees require cooking the vegetables first. You won’t get good results with raw vegetables, take my word for it. Here are a few of my favorite easy vegetable purees to get you started:

How to Make Broccoli Puree

  • Cut broccoli into tiny pieces (helps it cook faster)
  • Steam broccoli until tender
  • Add steamed broccoli to a blender or food processor with a pinch of salt and a small amount of water
  • Continue to add small amounts of water as you blend until you reach desired consistency

Broccoli purees are delicious, elegant, and versatile! You can add various ingredients for additional flavor like butter, sour cream, and fresh herbs. You can also swap out the water or vegetable broth, chicken broth, or milk depending on your preference.

How to Make Carrot Puree

  • Thinly slice your carrots, then add to a pot with water and a pinch of salt
  • Boil the carrots for about 20 minutes or until tender
  • Add to a blender or food processor and blend with a small amount of cooking liquid, adding more until you reach desired consistency

Carrot purees are one of my favorites because the resulting color is the most stunning shade of orange. With a pat of butter and maybe even some roasted garlic, you have a restaurant-quality carrot puree to add to any dish. This one is especially tasty paired with pork loin!

The Ultimate Guide to Cook Pureed Food. - The Cooking Bar (2)

How to Make Pumpkin Puree

  • Heat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Cut your cleaned pumpkin in half, then remove the guts and seeds
  • Season both halves with salt and roast open side down for approximately 50 minutes or until you can easily pierce the flesh
  • Allow the pumpkin to cool before scooping out the fresh and processing until smooth

It’s fall, so of course I had to add the incredible pumpkin puree to this guide! This is such a versatile puree that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes. It makes a fantastic addition to baked goods like pumpkin bread or muffins, especially when paired with nutmeg and cinnamon. Pumpkin puree is also incredible as the base for a pasta sauce or in an autumn casserole.

Pro Tip: Save the seeds for delicious roasted pumpkin seeds that make the perfect fall snack!

  • Professional Blender for Kitchen, High Speed Power Blender Smoothie maker
  • Instant Pot Ace Plus 10-in-1 Smoothie and Soup Blender
  • Oster Master Series Blender

If you’re looking for even more fruit and vegetable purees to get you started, here are some more:

I'm a culinary enthusiast with a deep understanding of the art and science of food preparation, particularly in the realm of purees. Over the years, I've explored and mastered various techniques, ingredients, and applications of pureed foods. From creating silky smooth vegetable blends to crafting vibrant fruit purees, I've delved into the nuances of this culinary skill.

When it comes to purees, my expertise extends beyond the basics. I've experimented with different textures, flavors, and pairings, elevating dishes with the subtle yet powerful impact of a well-executed puree. Whether it's the velvety richness of a broccoli puree or the bright burst of a strawberry puree, I understand the delicate balance required to achieve perfection.

In this guide, the concept of purees is thoroughly explored, covering everything from what pureed food is to the various methods of preparation. The article delves into the benefits of pureed food, offering insights into its versatility and nutritional value. It also provides practical tips on storing homemade purees and includes a detailed breakdown of the steps involved in making both fruit and vegetable purees.

The guide emphasizes the simplicity of creating purees, debunking the notion that it's a complicated culinary endeavor. It highlights the essential components of a puree—food, liquid, and a processing tool—and demonstrates how variations in these elements can lead to a spectrum of flavors and consistencies.

For those without a blender, the article offers alternative methods of pureeing using tools like stand mixers, mortar and pestles, graters, and grinders, showcasing a comprehensive understanding of the equipment involved.

Furthermore, the guide provides a range of fruit and vegetable puree recipes, each accompanied by step-by-step instructions. From the ease of making a strawberry puree with just a food processor to the sophistication of a spiced fruit puree, the recipes cater to both simplicity and complexity, appealing to both beginners and seasoned cooks.

The inclusion of information on storing purees in the fridge or freezer demonstrates a practical approach to food preservation, ensuring that the culinary creations remain accessible and enjoyable for an extended period.

In essence, this guide serves as a comprehensive resource for anyone interested in exploring the world of purees, offering not just recipes but a wealth of knowledge and insights based on hands-on experience in the culinary realm.

The Ultimate Guide to Cook Pureed Food. - The Cooking Bar (2024)
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